Many clients have a yearly budget for litigation or regulation. Whether or not that amount has risen, clients should consider conducting a root and branch review of how counsel is engaged, the value that counsel is providing, whether there are ways of reducing the amount that is being spent without compromising quality.

Intelligent Litigation Management assists clients with such reviews, whether that involves a review of their general approach to using external counsel or reviews of specific issues that have occurred on an existing legal retainer.

► Using our extensive experience in private practice, we are able to identify easy ways for clients to strip out unnecessary costs and make savings. Not every suggestion below is appropriate for every client, but if you are unsure about your answer to any of the questions below, you should contact us for a discussion on how we can help:

  • Have you ever considered directly instructing a barrister rather than going through an intermediary solicitor?
  • Do you pay lawyers the same hourly rate for carrying out administrative tasks as when the provide actual legal advice?
  • Are there any tasks that you pay lawyers for that you could pay other experienced professionals to carry out?
  • If you usually engage just one or two law firms, have you discussed them providing all annual advice on a fixed or capped fee basis?
  • Do you ever suggest that junior resource should be offered at a discounted rate? 
  • Do you always review your invoices to ensure that there is adequate supervision of junior lawyers by partners? Are you confident that you know what adequate supervision is?
  • Do your firms consult you before they raise their prices?

► We are confident that we will save you money, without also compromising on the quality of the service you receive. See our case study for real examples of how we have helped our clients.

Contact us today on a no obligation basis to find out how –