The increasing complexity of disputes and regulatory investigations means that clients are faced with the prospect of incurring significant legal bills, unwelcome distractions for senior management and other key staff, as well as the potential negative financial and reputational consequences of an adverse decision. These challenges are often faced at the same time as internal pressure to reduce headcount and to contain legal spend.

► The challenges facing the person responsible for the process are significant and should not be underestimated:

  • Internal challenges are posed by, for example, obligations to report to management, to keep control of the legal spend, to identify and support the witnesses who will give evidence, and to prepare the organisation to meet its disclosure obligations.
  • External challenges are equally substantial - for example the need to choose suitable counsel, a disclosure provider or experts and to negotiate an appropriate fee arrangement with each of them, and to monitor and manage their service delivery and work product.

► Intelligent Litigation Management delivers real, tangible benefits to organisations faced with the challenges of a litigation  or regulatory process because:

  • We are experienced in managing litigations of all sizes and subject matters. We are experienced in all aspects of the process, including fee negotiations, witness / expert preparation, and collecting, analysing and organising large volumes of documentation.
  • We pull together complex information to assist clients understand their options and devise a suitable, comprehensible and realistic strategy for successful ADR or for the management of the full litigation or regulatory process.
  • We are flexible – our highly experienced resource can be brought onto your team at a moment’s notice. We can take on as much or as little responsibility as you need.
  • We deliver real time and money savings to our clients by putting in place an effective management system for the litigation or regulatory process – the earlier the better.
  • We offer a focused, tailored approach to meeting clients’ needs, working directly alongside a client team wherever appropriate.
  • We pride ourselves on our ability to act as a positive, friendly and integrated part of your team, ensuring that we have the right personnel and approach to work efficiently with whoever we need to.
  • We are cost effective – where we take on tasks normally carried out by lawyers, our rates are very competitive.
  • We reduce the often significant pressure on the internal team. 

► As soon as you are faced with litigation or a regulatory proceeding, we should meet for a no obligation consultation to discuss your strategy and how we might support you. The earlier we can put efficient management and monitoring structures in place, the better prepared you and your organisation will be to face whatever the process demands of you. Click here for an example timeline showing when and how we support our clients.

The following pages outline the key ways in which we support clients:

Choosing and managing Counsel read on

Investigating, analysing and reporting on information relevant to their litigation or regulatory process read on

Supporting witnesses – by early capture of their evidence and preparing them for giving testimony read on

Overseeing disclosure process read on

Review of litigation spend read on